Liturgy Committee
Keeping with the Ignatian tradition of being people for others, our ministries are an opportunity to put our faith into action while building community. We invite you to discern how to share your gifts with others!
The Liturgy Committee is the planning and co-ordinating body of the parish that organizes our public worship — known as our liturgies — according to the norms of the Catholic Church. The Liturgy Committee draws together all ministries so that our liturgical celebrations are an outward reflection of the reverence and the diversity of the people of St. Ignatius.
Membership in the Liturgy Committee is open to anyone in the parish. The chair and vice-chair are chosen by the committee members. Those interested in serving on this committee need only offer themselves and commit their time. We meet several times a year to discuss the various celebrations. New members are welcome.
Abdullah Erfan
(204) 474-2351