Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Keeping with the Ignatian tradition of being people for others, our ministries are an opportunity to put our faith into action while building community. We invite you to discern how to share your gifts with others!
A person becomes a member of the Catholic Church through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). It's a process that warmly welcomes new members and provides spiritual and doctrinal formation, while at the same time helping them deepen their relationship with God. It also helps new members broaden their understanding of the Bible, the Church and its teachings and traditions.
Who can take the program
Participants of the RCIA program are adults who are interested in becoming Catholic. If a candidate is not baptized he/she may become a Catechumen, which leads to Baptism at the Easter Vigil service. An inquirer who is already baptized in another Christian denomination will become a candidate for full communion and Confirmation in the church. We also welcome Catholics who are uninstructed and looking for other Sacraments, such as Confirmation, Eucharist and Reconciliation.
About the RCIA program
A program of prayer, instruction and sharing the Word of God in our community leads inquirers in the Catholic Faith to a decision for Baptism and/or full communion in the Church.
The RCIA program is based on Pathway to Catholicism by Mark Link, S.J. and the Sunday to Sunday video series on the Sunday Scripture readings. By means of presentations, videos, discussions, prayer and retreats, participants are introduced to a rich and full-faith life in the Catholic tradition.
The RCIA team is composed of a Team Leader, a Chaplain, and several parishioners — all of whom help to present and guide the program for the greatest benefit of the candidates.
Sponsors are chosen for each candidate. The sponsor is usually a parishioner and active, practicing Catholic who acts as a mentor and friend to accompany the person he/she is sponsoring. The sponsor should be able to answer questions such as: "What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus?", "What difference does it make to me to belong to a community of faith?", and "How am I called to witness to the reign of God in the world today?".
RCIA meetings 2024-2025
Participants and their sponsors will meet with a team for formation classes and fellowship on Sunday afternoon, either in person or by Zoom. If you are interested or have questions, please call the parish office (204-474-2351) or email Fr. Daryl at fr.miranda@stignatius.ca
Fr. Daryl J. Miranda
(204) 474-2351