Keeping with the Ignatian tradition of being people for others, our ministries are an opportunity to put our faith into action while building community. We invite you to discern how to share your gifts with others!

Welcoming Advent


Dwelling in Peace: Engaging the Head, Heart, Hands, and Holy


“Jesus turned. He saw them coming after him. He said to them, `What are you looking for?' They said, `Teacher, where do you live?'

Jesus said, `Come and see.' They went and saw the place where Jesus was staying” (John 1: 37-39).


“Peace, I leave with you; my peace I give you” (John 14:27)


Description of Retreat


While the disciples accepted Jesus’ invitation to go and see the place where Jesus stayed, they did not tell us what they saw. This offers us the opportunity to not only imagine Christ’s dwelling place, but also to discern the question of what it means to dwell in the peace of Christ.

This scriptural-centered retreat will include short lecturettes, time for reflection, small group conversations, and large-group sharing. In this Retreat we will imagine the ‘Teacher’s’ dwelling place and what it means to dwell in peace, as being deeply connected to 4 ‘holistic’ ways of Being: Being a Guardian (Head – Commitment; Caring, Protecting), Being a Curator of Hearts and Souls (Heart - Healing), Being a Welcoming Presence (Hands – Compassion; Purposeful Action), and Being a Neighbour (Holy – Conscience; What do we hold to be non-negotiable and sacred?).


One-Day Retreat (10:00am - 4:30 pm) $25.00 includes lunch. Bursaries provided.


Part 1: Introducing a Story of Peace Dwelling


Part 2: Understanding the Art and Practice of Being a Guardian and a Curator


Part 3: Understanding the Art and Practice of Being a Welcoming Presence and a Neighbour.


Short Bio


Stan Amaladas is a long-time parishioner of St. Ignatius Parish. He is currently an Associate Professor, at Baker College, Center for Graduate Studies, Flint, MI. and Director, Mauro Institute for Peace & Justice at St. Paul’s College, University of Manitoba. As a member of St. Paul’s College, Stan has a deep appreciation of the mission and goals of the Mauro Institute and the Ignatian Tradition of St. Paul’s College. His research and publications are focused on Leadership Studies and Peace Leadership. He has published three books, Intentional Leadership: Getting to the Heart of the Matter, Leadership Studies and the Desire for Shared Agreement, Peace Leadership: A Story of Peace Dwelling. and one co-edited a volume on Peace Leadership: A Quest for Connectedness. He has also published numerous articles on Leadership and Peace Leadership. Relationally – Married for 44 years, Stan enjoys being a Grand Dad (‘BamPa’) to two beautiful grandsons.