Truth and Reconciliation
St. Ignatius Parish, School and Spiritual Education Centre resides on Treaty One Territory; the Traditional Land of the Anishinaabe, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene Peoples, and on the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.
This acknowledgement is intended as a reminder of the harms of the past and our joint commitment to a spirit of reconciliation through education and action. We respect the treaties that were made here, and are grateful for this land on which we pray, learn, live and play.
Our Comittment to Truth And Reconciliation Includes Ongoing Dialogue Circles Between Indigenous and Non Indigenous People Since 2016. Here are our more recent events hosted in partnership with St. Kateri Indigenous Pairsh.


National Truth and Reconcilation Day 2024
St John's Park Healing Garden for Residential Surviors. Indigenous Healing Ceremony followed by Mass. Part of our on going committment to learn, listen and support.

Dr.Laura Forsythe presenter,with previously displaced residents of Rooster Town,Daryl and Frank Sais.

120 Indigenous and non-Indigenous guests particpated in the listening and dialouge circles.

Founders of the Metis Rocks Foundation partnered with St. Ignatius School to host various fundraisers over the past few years. All proceeds have been presented to various Indigenous lead organizations that suport Residential School survivors. If you are interested in donating contact

Members of the Metis Rocks Foundation and St. Ignatius School and Parish were honored to be invited to present the funds to Turtle Lodge at their Sacred Bundle Ceremony. We are so greateful to be invited back again to continue this relationship.