Sunday School
Sunday School is offered to children of registered parishioners from 10:55 a.m. – noon. It's a place for children in kindergarten through Grade 8 to understand and grow in their relationship with Christ.

Our mission is to promote knowledge of the faith, provide liturgical education, moral formation, instruction in how to pray, education for community life, and missionary initiation (witnessing the faith).
The program aims to build on the essential education in faith that parents provide. The various years in the Catechetical series seek to provide a progressive and systematic presentation of the basic contents of the faith. Cathechists are prepared for the following sacraments:
Grade 2 class are prepared for their first communion
The Grade 3 children are prepared for their first reconciliation
The Grade 8 class of Sunday School is a preparation for the sacrament of confirmation
Download the registration form 1.pdf. Forms can also be obtained at the office.
Sunday School Calendar for 2024-2025
School year
- September 8- November 24
- January 12 -April 13
No class
- October 13 Thanksgiving
- February Louis Riel Day
- March 30 March break
First Communion
- October 20 Parent meeting 11 am & tour of church 12 pm
- March 2 parent meeting 11 am
- March 9 prayer cards 9:30 am mass
- April 6 talk with priest & Unconsecrated bread
- April 26 retreat & rehearsal 9-12 pm Parish hall
- April 27 First Communion 9:30 mass
- October 27 parent meeting 11 am
- January 26 parent & student talk with priest & tour of church 12 pm
- April 9 Reconciliation Service
- November 3 parent & student meeting with priest
- January 19 cross blessing 9:30 am mass
- March 8 retreat 1-:3 pm Parish hall
- March 16 crest blessing 9:30 am mass
- Christian Service
- Archdiocese Rally
- Reconciliation
- Confirmation date